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World-class Concert Programme at the Hanko Music Festival 14-19 July 2017

The Hanko Music Festival is proud to announce its world-class concert programme for this year’s festival, held between 14 and 19 July 2017. The festival programme was announced and the ticket sales opened today, 4 April 2017. The festival features some of the rising superstars of classical music, including the Austrian violinist Emmanuel Tjeknavorian, the Mexican soprano Maria Katzarava and the British cellist Natalie Clein. Emmanuel Tjeknavorian shot to fame as the audience favourite in the 2015 International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition, where he won the special prize for the best interpretation of the Sibelius Violin Concerto and the 2nd Prize in the overall competition. Since then his career has taken off spectacularly and he has been hand-picked for the prestigious ECHO Rising Star concert series, which will see him perform in some of the most important venues in Europe. Maria Katzarava has performed in many major opera houses around the world and has worked with conductors Zubin Mehta, Placido Domingo and Gustavo Dudamel, among others. British cellist Natalie Clein has built a distinguished international career. Her recent solo recording was published in February by Hyperion. Natalie Clein will give a solo recital at Hanko combining old and new music. Clein is a professor at the Royal College of Music London, and in 2016, she was appointed Artist in Residence and Director of Musical Performance at Oxford University.

The jazz programme at the music festival is headlined by the Kadri Voorand Quartet, who perform music composed by Estonia’s leading jazz vocalist Kadri Voorand, and Finland’s acclaimed vibraphonist Severi Pyysalo, with a number of projects planned for the festival. Many of the artists will also be teaching future musicians at the Hanko Music Course organised as part of the festival.

The Hanko Music Festival marks the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence with its theme, The Free Voice. “For us, 100-year- old Finland means an international and polyphonic society where everyone is free to express themselves. Our festival gives space for musical expression, artistic freedom and encounters between artists and the audience. The festival has no political dimension, but this year it seemed appropriate that our theme should echo the principles of democracy and equality,” says Noa Nakai, Artistic Director of the Hanko Music Festival.

The concert series of the seventh Hanko Music Festival takes place 14–19 July 2017 with Hanko Church and Town Hall as its main venues. The festival programme also includes the Hanko Music Course for children and young people and the Fringe series that crosses the boundaries of musical genres. The Hanko Music Festival, during its short history, has already established itself as one of the leading festivals in Finland.


Tickets are available online from Ticketmaster, link here

Yhteisörahoitusta Hangon Musiikkijuhlille

Hangon Musiikkijuhlat tekee parhaillaan yhteisörahoituskampanjaa Mesenaatti -palvelussa. Yhteisörahoituksen avulla pyritään käynnistämään ensi kesän festivaalin järjestäminen. Vastikkeeksi festivaalin rahoittamisesta on tarjolla muun muassa ennakkolippuja, festivaalipasseja ja yrityksille näkyvyyttä festivaalin yhteydessä. ”Pienin summa, jolla pääsee mukaan on 30 euroa, joten jokainen voi halutessaan antaa tukensa taiteilijoiden työskentelylle ja Hangon kulttuurielämän monimuotoisuudelle”, sanoo Hangon Musiikkijuhlien perustaja ja hallituksen puheenjohtaja Milla Rantala. ”Yrityksille ja yhteistyökumppaneille tarjoamme mainospakettien lisäksi räätälöityä näkyvyyttä, eli sovimme yksilöllisesti sopivasta tavasta hyödyntää tapahtumiamme yrityksen markkinoinnissa ja myynnissä. Perinteisen mainostamisen ohella meillä on kokemusta esimerkiksi VIP-tilaisuuksien järjestämisestä festivaalin yhteydessä”, Rantala jatkaa.

Ensi kesän festivaalista odotetaan totuttuun tapaan korkeatasoista taidemusiikin ja jazzin juhlaa. Festivaalin konseptiin kuuluu kansainvälinen konserttisarja, lasten ja nuorten musiikkileiri sekä genrerajat ylittävä Fringe-sarja mielenkiintoisissa tiloissa ympäri Hankoa. Fringe-sarjassa on perinteisesti järjestetty useita ilmaistapahtumia. Festivaalin taiteellisen johtajan Noa Nakain mukaan tavoitteet ovat korkealla ja jokaisesta festivaalista pyritään tekemään kaikilta osin entistä parempi. ”Jatkamme tutulla konseptilla, eli pääkonserttisarjassa on viisi klassisen musiikin konserttia ja yksi jazz-konsertti sekä Fringe-sarjassa monitaiteellisia tapahtumia, joissa ei ole genrerajoja. Musiikkileirillä on normaalin opetustoiminnan lisäksi jälleen luvassa erittäin korkeatasoinen mestarikurssi. Taiteilijoista esimerkiksi itävaltalainen viulisti Emmanuel Tjeknavorian on sanonut tulevansa mielellään uudestaan Hankoon”, Nakai paljastaa. Vuoden 2015 Sibelius-viulukilpailussa toisen palkinnon voittaneen Tjeknavorianin ja hänen luottopianistinsa Maximilian Kromerin lennokasta ja tarkkaa yhteissoittoa kuultiin heinäkuussa Hangon Musiikkijuhlien päätöskonsertissa, jonka YLE radioi suorana Hangon kirkosta. Yhteensä kesän musiikkijuhlilla järjestettiin 17 tapahtumaa.

Hangon Musiikkijuhlien yhteisörahoituskampanjaan voi osallistua Mesenaatin verkkosivuilla Seitsemännet Hangon Musiikkijuhlat järjestetään 14.–19.7.2017, mikäli kampanjan minimitavoite saavutetaan.

Lisätiedot ja yhteydenotot:

Milla Rantala, Hangon Musiikkijuhlien perustaja

Thank you!

Hanko Music Festival warmly thanks all visitors, musicians, teachers, music course participants, employees, volunteers, partners, sponsors and friends of the festival! Thank you for participating! The next Hanko Music Festival and music course will be arranged from the 16th to 21st of July 2017, see you then!

Greetings from the Artistic Director

The theme for Hanko Music Festival 2016 is ”Wave”. Swing is an important part of classical music and jazz. Good swing, meaningful melodies and harmonies will steal a listener’s attention and whisk them away with the wavelike rhythm. In bossa nova and jazz the waves move you from side to side, in jazz the movement may be back and forth. In classical music the waves might criss cross and move in all directions but the unseen movement  results in an experience that captures all the senses.

This wave can also be experienced in our programme for this year that features exquisite performances of both classical music and jazz.

The societal benefits of culture and art springs from their educational effects. Along with science culture and art create the base of civilisation. Culture and art are present when a person experiences something new which has been created by a different person. The person experiencing art is bestowed a glimpse into the world of the creator, an unknown world that might have some similarities to their own. Only this experience leaves a trace. Without culture and art there are only empty pictures, meaningless sounds and fleeting emotions.

Through Hanko Music Festival and the Hanko music course I strive to build a world where culture, art and learning are part of people’s everyday lives. A world that’s enriched by beauty in all it’s forms.

You are welcome to join us in shared experiences!

Noa Nakai, Artistic Director of Hanko Music Festival

Austrian violinist Emmanuel Tjeknavorian will headline this year’s Hanko Music Festival

Last year’s second prize winner at Jean Sibelius Competition Emmanuel Tjeknavorian will headline Hanko Music Festival 2016. The Wienna-born violin virtuoso will perform alongside with pianist Maxmilian Kromer at Hanko church on the 15th of July. The full Hanko Music Festival program and new website will be launched at the 1st of April.

The sixth Hanko Music Festival is taking place in the center of Hanko 10th – 15th July 2016. The Finland’s southernmost festival gathers classical music lovers and jazz enthusiasts together to enjoy idyllic Hanko in July. This year Hanko Music Festival features international concert series, HMF Fringe concerts, free events and the traditional Hanko Music Course for youngsters and children.

Hanko Music Festival is taking place from 10th to 15th of July 2016.

Finland’s southernmost music festival will be headlined by some of the top names of Finnish classical music. In addition to classical music, the program also includes topical jazz music and free events. Registration for the Hanko Music Course is online from today.

The sixth Hanko Music Festival is taking place 10th – 15th of July. The traditional Hanko summer event will offer a top notch Concert series, Fringe concerts around the idyllic city of Hanko, free events and the traditional Music Course for the children. Hanko Music Festival gathers classical music lovers along with jazz enthusiasts in the heart of maritime Hanko. Festival’s full program and new website will be launched 1st of April.